My siblings and I were raised by loving and civically responsible parents. Mom, having worked for the local school as a teacher’s aide and served on the Police and Fire Commission for our hometown of Medford, Wisconsin. Dad, was on the local volunteer fire department as well as an EMT, and served in the military for 43 years. All they needed to do was lead by example… all of us are involved in our communities, state and country in some form.
My Wife, Teri, and I are active supporters of the Military, Fire Fighters and Law Enforcement. We have donated our talents and time to local organizations such as Desert Veterans of Wisconsin, a locally founded Veterans group. DVW’s basic motto is “Vets Helping Vets”, and we are proud to continually support them with design work and function participation.
I am very proud to have a Son, Michael, whom served in the US Army including tours in Korea and Iraq… as well as a Son-in-Law, Adam, whom served in the US Army Reserves including a tour in Iraq. Both, give additional credence to our involvement with DVW.
Additionally, we have donated services and artwork to other Vets groups and government offices.
“September 24, 2001 as Green Bay hosted the Washington Redskins in the first Monday Night Football game after the terrorist attacks on New York, Washington and rural Pennsylvania. Before a national TV audience Packer linebacker Chris Gizzi, an Air Force Academy graduate, sprinted the full length of the field during pre-game ceremonies with an American flag as fans exploded in a thunderous ovation. It was a night that we were filled with pride to be Packer fans and, more importantly, filled with pride to be Americans.”